Monday, January 31, 2011


Blog number 482******** 31 January 2011

We were driving north on Pinal Avenue here in the beautiful city of Casa Grande, Arizona, my wife and I, when I noticed red and blue lights flashing on top of a police car in the opposite side of the road in their left turn lane at a stop sign.

As I got closer, I noticed that the cop wasn't chasing the car stopped just ahead of it, but was instead parked behind it. The cop was warning traffic that the car which was first to turn in the turning lane, couldn't because it was missing a right front wheel.

Coming out of Walgreen's on the corner, a car pulled out and got behind the cop car into their left turn lane. Seconds later, another car followed him.I had to keep driving on, so I didn't get to see how long those two cars waited there before they noticed that they weren't gonna move any time soon and had better move into the straight ahead lane and make a U-turn somewhere.

Both of the drivers of these two cars had a perfect opportunity to notice what the problem was before they even moved out of Walgreen's parking lot. The flashing lights should have tipped them off that maybe they should look around and see what was happening - but noooooooo.


This that follows has nothing to do with that which is above, but I just want to mention it somewhere, and since you won't allow me to accost you on the street, I'll have to settle for saying it here.

I watch The Daily Show religiously and I watch Bill Maher religiously. Both Bill Maher and Jon Stewart mention fairly frequently to Republican guests, their puzzlement with the Republican acceptance as beneficial to the country, tax cuts for the rich. Both Jon and Bill give as the downside, the fact that the cuts increase the national debt.

Every time I hear Stewart and Maher say this, I ardently wish they would instead, ask the Republican they are talking to, "Why DO the wealthy need more money? What are they going to do with it?"

THAT to me seems to be the most ridiculous part of giving the wealthy a tax break the rest of us ain't gonna get. What ARE they going to do with a few more millions added to their billions?

Buy a new car and thus do their part in getting the economy going?

Keep America strong, guys. Way to go.

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