Saturday, January 8, 2011


Blog number 468******** 08 January 2011

A gay just sat by a female friend he was meeting - directly across from me. I didn't look up so his hyena-like laugh (I'm not kidding) is getting louder. I do believe that he is experiencing the "he must be gay - he just hasn't noticed me yet" syndrome.

I don't know how long I can hang on. It's a waiting game, really. Does he give up cackling before his annoyance drives me to leave or does he stop and I can relax and stay?

I'm kinda like a sniper. 99.9999% of my time is waiting out a cunning yet stupid foe.

His body language - his leaning back, arms crossed, means he is confident, expectant according the book, "Signals".

We'll see what 20 minutes of ignoring do to his body we have signs signaling prediction of defeat - hopefully. Head on hands, face looking downward. Will keep posted....say rosary for me.

Aha! A spot opened up behind him! I am now sitting happily at that table as his cackling was getting really loud. His girl friend kept looking from him to me expectantly. He put his hands behind his head at first when I moved - body language for reaching towards me. But the cackling has stopped. Thank you, Buddha.

Now another one just sat down across from me. He bumped the table while I was drawing. He said, "excuse me," I ignored him then he bumped the table twice more. I'm sure he was hoping for a Hollywood style cute meeting where he messes up my drawing then we get to chatting then we get to whatever he's got on his mind. That's not gonna happen buddy.


Anonymous said...

Good grief! Does it never end? How can he stand this all of the time?

Don Reynolds said...

He was pretty angry about it for a long time. I kept trying to ease him up a bit by kinda insinuating it wasn't all that bad. But evidently it is.

He's finding it kinda funny now, and also it gives him a chance to kinda get back at them for being so stupid by ignoring them when they want to talk to him, making rude statements once in awhile. It's a life.