Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Blog number 460 **** 08 September, 2010

First we have a video of what was obviously a missile launch from the Pacific Ocean explained away by the Pentagon as a jet plane. A jet plane taking off from the surface of the Pacific Ocean - again obviously. And that's the end of that. All we need is an explanation, we don't really care if it makes any sense or not. We don't really need to know what is going on, we just need some "expert" to tell us what is going on.

And this morning I read in the paper that the 5000 blackbirds that dropped dead in Arkansas likely died as a result of fireworks display. WHAT!? That's the first time Blackbirds have ever experienced fireworks? The explanation is that they became so disoriented that they flew into houses, cars, and EACH OTHER! That's not even a good guess, let alone a reasonable explanation.

Then 300 miles to the south, in Louisiana, "power lines likely killed about 450 birds..."Quoting another "expert" - Louisiana's state wildlife veterinarian Jim LaCour, "It's almost certainly a coincidence that the events happened within days of each other."

Is it also a coincidence that the events happened in the same small location of the United States and nowhere else in the whole country? Or as far as I can tell, in the whole world? Some coincidence, but once again, thank Buddha we have an explanation.

And the thousands of drum fish that turned up dead one morning shortly after all the birds died. Were they also the victims of seeing fireworks for the first time and becoming so scared and/or disoriented that they ran into rocks and each other and bellied up? Was this also part of Jim LaCour's "coincidence"?

I Just read that one explanation is that the deaths are a result of government testing. Now THAT, I'll buy. At least it is sensible and has historical backgound on its side.

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