Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Blog number 474******** 12 January 2011

OK. Here goes.

This twenty-three year old hottie was talking to me the other day. It was the second time she had approached me. Then Tim showed up and she said something about her boyfriend, then moved over to sit by Tim.

Strike one, the mention of her boyfriend. Strike two, preferring to talk to Tim instead of to me. Two strikes.

In my ball park, you only get two strikes, so I immediately put her in my discard bin. Then today I was trying to figure out my scanner and she came up and sat by me and started talking. I mmmm... ...mmmed her and then she asked me what was that comic I recommended last time? I didn't remember but she was sure I would, because to her I am an inhabiter of her reality and have none of my own and therefore I am conscious of everything that happens in her world.

She finally got the hint and left me alone. Then Kenny's girlfriend and her friend came. She asked me something about what was going on (Kenny and I had a falling out due to his treatment of me) and I just told her I don't hang around negative people.

She said, "you're the negative one."

I replied, "OK then. He shouldn't hang around me."

Then this chick who works at the black belt chick coffeeshop came by. She wondered why I hadn't been in. I told her I got the vibes last time that I wasn't welcome.

She said "no, that can't be true." With this statement, I knew that she must know all about the mom thinking I was after her daughter, 'cause a normal person would have been curious and asked something like, "'not welcome? By whom? What happened? When?"

So she blew her cover and confirmed my suspicions.

Interesting experiences for me today. What more could I ask for?

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