Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Blog number 471******** 11 January 2011

The title of this blog entry is also the title of one of my very favorite radio programs back when I was a kid. The story in that series contained flying human-bats in a huge old dark building. As the program came on this kinda eerie organ music played this beautiful tune that used to drive me frantic. It felt like I "fell" into the story when I heard that. I just loved that program. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I just got carried away with the title I put down. Not my fault at all. Glitch in my emotional makeup is what it was.

This entry was initiated by the talk on the news about snow in Phoenix and Arkansas, et all, bringing up this mystery that has always bothered me. Let me explain - OK? Thank you.

Back in 1955, I planed on hitchhiking from Iowa to California. I knew I would be crossing the desert, and since the only knowledge I had of the desert was what I saw in the movies, I had a vision of no water, just sand and cactus and Gila monsters. I asked my brother Bill, who had crossed it several times when he was stationed in San Diego, what it was like - how many miles across, would I have to carry water, things like that. Not much help.

Expecting the deserts I had seen in the movies, I was extremely surprised early one morning when my ride and I came into Phoenix and there was six inches of snow on the ground. The most impressive sight to me was a six inch cap of snow on top of the saguaros. Here I had been expecting dry heat and no water, and here was all this snow where it had no business being.

Now the mystery part of this entry is, why is this never mentioned on the news or anywhere else when they are talking about the unusualness of snow in Phoenix? Normally, news-people love to compare things. This date with that date, this happening with that happening. But they never mention that heavy snowfall in the desert in 1955. It is never mentioned - anywhere.

It's like that snowstorm happened in an alternate reality, unknown in this one. Or maybe this one is the alternate one? How could we tell? Another mystery. They just keep piling up, don't they Yes they do.

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