Saturday, January 29, 2011


Blog number 481******** 29 January 2011

About a week ago I started to notice small drops of oil on my driveway. The next time I parked my ' 99 Dodge Caravan, I observed that the engine was over a clear spot and an hour later when I again looked, two drops of oil about a foot apart lay on the cement.

I decided to have it looked at and repaired if it wasn't gonna cost all that much. At the same time, I decided to get a quote on a paint job, since the paint has severely corroded and there is even a two square inch space of bare metal showing.

I got the oil leak fixed, thank you, and the guy that ran the auto paint portion of the dealership told me he couldn't paint my van, but he gave me a page he got off the Internet showing the addresses of several MAACO Auto Painting shops in Phoenix, along with a small section for "reviews from around the web."

I was shocked to find that there is only one review, and that lone review says, "Do yourself a favor and don't use MAACO. The price is right, but you will hate the results."

Evidently they painted over his brand new rims and it took them three days to "clean up the mess."

Why would a company print something like this? They didn't have to. Why didn't they just leave it off? Who's gonna know? On the other hand, it is refreshing to see a corporation be so honest as to post the only review even though it is a bad one.

So what I think is happening in my head is that I am so impressed that they would print this bad review on the Internet for all to see, that I can forego the fact that it is a bad review. Kudos to MAACO! I love you, Man! Way to go!

Somebody just told me that MAACO has nothing to do with this site's content. So if that is true, and they had nothing to do with any decision to keep a bad review, then they go back in my estimation to being just another capitalistic corporation keeping America strong!

Probably owned by Pepsi Cola anyhow. Mumble mumble grsss grine...murmbal...

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