Friday, January 29, 2010


Blog number 369 **** 29 January 2009

"I always wanted to be somebody but I should have been more specific." Lily Tomlin.

"I went to a psychiatrist for twelve years and today he said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, ' No hablo Ingles "


Today I again ran into a pet peeve of mine. This has only been happening since thoughtless engineers have been trying to conserve water. Up to the time I was about forty years old, I never ran into this problem, and now I run into it whenever I use a toilet in a fairly new public building.

I am talking about these new low flush toilets evidently designed either by women or by men who imbibe steroids. You just cannot sit on them without your private parts (if you are a male) dangling in the toilet water. You can imagine what this feels like if you have just eliminated breakfast into it before you inadvertently douched yourself.


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