Thursday, December 30, 2010


Blog number 454 ******** 30 December 2010

I got the following from Kartr this morning;

"I was sitting at Old Stone Coffee shop on the couch. There's an armchair on either end of the couch. I am occupying the right side of the couch and my computer is occupying the middle couch seat. In walk two of the same sex sexual persuasion males who immediately start flitting around me. I know they are going to sit by me, but where? I have purposely arranged myself where two men cannot simultaneously sit by me. It is a typical precaution I often use.

The two gentlemen sit together on the armchair right next to me, not one foot away! Unbelievable. Play this out with some friends and a couch and two chairs like a homicide detective reenacting a crime if you want to visually see how ridiculous this is.

I'm not worried because I've got my bright green cards which say it costs $50 to take me away from my drawing if you want to talk to me, so I feel good. Kinda...invincible. I can imagine a scene as the word gets out to the gay community.

Two or three talking. One says, 'Did you go talk to him? Did you ask him about his art? What happened? What'd he say?'

'Ah, he gave me the green card.'


'Yeah. I got green carded.'

'Doris has four of them.'

'Oh, that girl!'

So like I say, I'm feeling pretty invincible - but these guys have a surprise for me.

One of them gets a phone call and starts yelling to the other party, 'NO! I SAID THE ROOT CANAL BEFORE THE BRIDGE!' He starts in with his over-the-top drama, so I can see where this is going. I pack up my stuff, get up and leave.

I need a new card. A blue one. This one just for drama queens. It will say something like,

'I know you think some people are impressed by the drama in your life, but those people are twelve blocks away. Just go out the door, turn left and keep walking until you find them. You'll know them when you see them. Trust me.' "

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