Friday, July 25, 2008


Blog number  198                                                 25 July 2008

One of my sons informed me this morning that my latest Blog entry is missing.  I looked, and sure enough.  It was the one about the TV program, "The Office."  I just want to say, I didn't do it.  AOL did it.  They also erased my wife's last Blog entry.  They probably have our house bugged and heard us cussing out AOL for the stupidity with which they run their business and they didn't like it and I don't care and they are not good people and somebody should take a shovel and dig up any garden anyone there has and that would show them and I would be glad and I would do it again and that would show them again and finally they would learn not to be such bad people and have other people mad at them and that would show them and finally they would get tired of being showed and would go back to AOL 3.1 and leave it alone.


Anonymous said...

indeed it is gone!! I was given the link to your journal from a friend; I did read that entry of yours but didn't have anything to say about it because I don't watch that show (I just don't watch a lot of TV) but I remember it well. Give it a few days; bet it shows up again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betty.

If you watch any TV at all, you should watch "The Office."  It took me a while to appreciate the full flavor of it because it is done more on the order of the old show done by that comedian that also did "The Larry Sander's Show.  Damn!  What's his name!  He used to talk to the viewers and you could see the cameramen and he would walk from one set to another through the cables and cameras and crew, making comments about them as he went.  I wish they had reruns of that show.

Anyhow, on "The Office" you get the idea that the people on it are being filmed by a reality show crew.  Adds a nice flavor.

I hope you are right about that entry reappearing.  I liked it.  I had a whole Blog disappear once - that's why I started this one, and then that one reappeared.  So there's hope - and thanks for writing.

Love and kisses, Don