Monday, June 13, 2011


Blog number 524 ************** 13 June 2011

So I'm assuming you've done your homework and have seen that you know only truths. If you haven't seen this, you're really not interested and there is no reason for you to continue reading this entry.

If you saw for yourself that you never think of anything that is not true, you can see, can't you, that this concept can't be real. I mean, how can anyone think only of things that are true?

But which of our thoughts are not true? How can we find the ones that are false so that we can throw them out? How can we ever find something that is real to be not real? Is the sky real or not? How can we tell? We cannot.

The only thing open to us is that we throw everything out. Believe nothing. Nada.

There is a thing in Eastern philosophy called, "Shoshin." Also called, "Beginner's Mind." What that is, is that you set your mind as if you were just born and knew absolutely nothing. You become an open vessel.

Now, you begin to look at what "is." First, is there "existence?" Look and see.  See anything existing? If so, you have your first fact about existence.

Notice that the intellect was not used. Not a smidgeon of logic anywhere.  Just "seeing."

"Do thoughts occur?" I look, and yes, there are those processes I call, "thoughts." So now I have two facts that have been found in what "is" and not at all from what anyone told me or from my having "figured it out.".

Now I can watch my thoughts and eventually see that they create what is real to me. Which gives me another fact. From this I can begin to see the world in a new light and facts will begin to spring up willy nilly.

I use my intellect to make hypothesis, but if I cannot see it with the knowing mind, I absolutely do not believe it. I keep it on the back burner.

I never ever use my logic or intellect as a function of my beliefs. Because that would mean I would believe something about "out there" that is not out there, but is instead, in my head.

So that is where all the facts lie - within us. Not out there at all. What lies out there are opinions, guesses, theories.  The physical world is the gateway to the real world.  It is not the real world.


ronckytonk said...

Hi Don, I wanted to return the favor and check out your writing. I will be back!

Don Reynolds said...

Well thank you, ronckytonk. I'll leave the light on.