Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Blog number 495 ******* 01 March 2011

Kartr often gets hit on by gays when he is in any coffee house in Sacramento, doing his drawings. To counter these pests, he has devised several ploys in an attempt to deconstruct this nonsense, such as, (1) telling people he is talking to about the "idiots" who try to hit on him and who are oblivious to his rudeness to them, in a voice loud enough that those very same people can hear him, and (B) holding his drawing board in front of their faces so that they cannot stare at him.

Lately he has discovered that if he is wearing headphones, that seems to help to discourage them. The effect of the headphones is both good and bad for Kartr. Good, because no one can legitimately bother him, bad, in that their attention-getting tactics actually gets cranked up a notch.

For instance. Three over-the-toppers were talking loud in their lispy voices, so he headphoned them.  Later he took the headphones off to talk to a girl. When she went out doors to smoke, and as Kartr was putting the headphones back on, one of the hopefuls darted over to Kartr, but he was too late. He had them on as the poor soul started saying something about, "Artist!, Artist?"

Kartr just nodded and put his head down, and as the guy gave up and walked away, Kartr heard him say, "Oh well."

They don't like his headphones.

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