Thursday, March 31, 2011


Blog number 502******* 28 March 2011

Sometimes the parking lot at the post office is very crowded. At such times there are cars arriving and leaving. Many a time I have started backing out and a car looking for a parking place down the way will honk at me. "I'm coming by. Stop backing up."

Why can't the guy just stop and wait for me to back out and then we can both continue on our merry way? 'cause he or she is still in the two year old stage, that's why. "Me first and me only."

A couple of days ago the lot was really crowded and I waited for one to back out, went forward a few feet, another one backing out, I wait. Coupla cars down, another backing out and then another and then I hear a horn behind me. This guy/girl has urgent business and I am blocking him/her from his/her assignment to save the world and all its populace. Brubaker!

So today I am backing out at the post office and this guy/girl coming up behind stops and waits for me. I am shocked! I think this is the very first time in eight years here visiting this post office that someone has done this. That he/she did not honk at me and continue on. Thinking about it, I guess I should be glad that they even honk.

Anyway, I back out and I reach the street and a big white pickup pulls up alongside, to turn to the left. I am turning right. Now usually when this happens, I have to keep edging out into the street so that I can see around him/her. Usually he or she then pulls further ahead, which causes me to do the same until we are both in the middle of the street. OK. I exaggerated a little there.

I wait for him (I can see the driver) to edge forward like they always do, but surprise, surprise, he backs up! The only reason I can see for him to do this is so that I can see around him. In 65 years of driving, I have never had this happen to me.

First someone waits for me to back out, and then this guy backs up so I can see around him. Two unselfish caring people in the space of two minutes. The Resurrection can't be far off.

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