Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Blog number 497 ******* 09 March 2011

I was watching "The Muse" again last night - that's a funny, funny movie. This movie is well written, good dialog, well acted, good theme, story hangs together.

Albert Brook's character is a screen writer who has writer's block. He hires this muse to give him inspiration. He comes up with a script that everyone raves over, about an aquarium where the fish get sick and the business is going under, but at the end they strike oil, saving the aquarium. Dumb script? You betcha.

In another movie, and I'm sorry but I can't think of the name of the movie nor, right now, can I think of the protagonist's name. In this movie, the guy has won a prestigious award at a film school for a short he made that he is wanting to sell to Hollywood to make into a Hollywood movie.

The Hollywood suits keep changing the story until it no longer resembles the guy's original story, and he also has to replace a lifelong buddy to whom he has promised the lead. And THEN:

He meets this girl who has these friends who have a band and the protagonist makes a video of the group singing this not very good song. The video is of this band playing this bad song dressed up like Pez dispensers marching around. Pretty dumb, huh? But the whole world raves about this terrific video and it gets the guy to be the "goto" guy for making movies.

It's a good movie. I liked it a lot. But I don't understand how people who can make a good movie cannot make a good video - nor as in "The Muse," how people who can make a good movie write such a horrible script. The very same people who made the movie in both cases come off as bad amateurs when doing the exact same thing they did to make those movies. Don't they care? Did they loose their creativeness? Are they trying to make me nuts?

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