Sunday, June 21, 2009


Blog number 309 **** 20 June 2009

A few days ago I dropped Teresa off so she could go into a store in order to buy a marking pencil for counterfeit money detection. I walked down to Ace hardware for some bug spray. On the way back I passed by one of the ubiquitous Dollar Stores acclimated to Casa Grande and a nine year old boy standing outside helloed me. I asked him if he had bought anything in the Dollar Store and he said no, he didn't have any money. I asked him if he would like a dollar so he could buy something and he said yes. I then remembered that I only carried two dollar bills, so I told him I would give him two dollars. Pulling the money out of my billfold, one dropped on the ground, so I told him, "There. Pick that one up. It's yours."

He did and then looked at me and said, "But it's only one." I told him it was a two dollar bill, but he didn't seem to grasp what I was saying, even though I pointed out the "2" on the bill. His mother and another lady came out about then and he got real excited, telling them about the man giving him the money and said he now could buy their lunch. He seemed really excited about the whole thing, which made me feel pretty good.

When I was about his age I use to stand in front of movie theaters hoping that someone would buy me a ticket, but nobody ever did. So I have some idea about what that little boy was feeling.

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