Thursday, June 26, 2008


Blog number   192                                                              26 June 2008

Dear Diary, it's been a while.  Did you miss me?  And could you excuse me a minute while I talk to my blog?  Thank you.  You're a sweetie.

Jon Stewart on the Daily Show was talking about Beijing, the site of the next Olympics, being one of the most, if not the most, polluted city on the planet.  A clip was shown of the really dirty skies there.  And they were really dirty! 

Jon talked about the poor athletes having to breath that stuff, and a famous marathon runner was not going to show up for practice, that he was waiting for the day of the trials so he wouldn't have to breathe that poison any more than he had to.

I got a vision of those athletes running in poison like a bunch of insects having an Olympics in a jar that had been sprayed with insecticide.  I think if I had been invited to participate in the Olympics as an athlete, I would refuse.  No, I don't think so.  I KNOW so.  I wouldn't accept bleeding lungs for a gold medal, no way. Never.  Why in Heaven's name would any clear thinking person do that anyhow?

It reminds me of when this bunch of supposedly wise people here in America who have been chosen to decide things for me, decided to send a satellite off into the outer regions of space with clear directions for any aliens that found it, on how to find us.  Sheeze!  Isn't that about the dumbest thing you could think of?

Wouldn't you imagine that one of the "deciders" would remember how humans treat newfound species?  If we can't use them or eat them, we kill them if they interfere in any way with our comfort.  How could anyone imagine that a species advanced enough to find their way here would treat us any differently?  Wishful thinking? Naivety?

It's like that story of teaching a Mynah bird to say, "Here Kitty, Kitty," and then letting it loose in central Park.

Dumb!  Dumb! Dumb!

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