Friday, August 6, 2010


Blog number 405 **** 06 August, 2010

We have a lawn in the backyard, plants and rocks in the front and a Homeowner's Association for the whole place. Weeds must be removed as soon as possible, or we get a letter from the Homeowner's Association. Every spring I buy an expensive can of weed killer, spray the weeds with doubt in my heart , watch carefully for a few days and when the weeds thrive on the weed killer, repeat the process - all though the summer months. Sometimes I get down and jerk the damn things up by hand.

The lawn got these invasive weeds in it this year, starting at the edges and creeping into the middle. Small, tiny round leaves. I think it's called "Devil's something." Anyhow, I couldn't spray it, 'cause that would make the lawn a bad place for grass for a few years, and I couldn't pull them up by hand - too many and too small. What to do?

I had two dreams about digging in dirt a few days ago and I started pondering on them. Suddenly into my mind comes the idea of getting a bottle of propane for my propane torch and burning the weeds in the lawn. I tried this plan, but every time I pointed the flame toward the weeds, the flame would go out. I took the bottle back to Ace Hardware to have them safely dispose of the bottle and I mentioned something about seeing a picture of a gardener with a flame thrower type thing. I asked if he could find me one somewhere and order it. He said, "We got that here. It's called a Weed Dragon." I bought it. Sixty eight dollars.

That thing took care of my weeds. Burned the lawn too, but that will grow back and if any weeds show up again, they will get a blast of something they won't like. This thing gives me a good feeling when I give it to my enemy. I know it will work, and there is no waiting for the weed to shake it off. It ain't gonna shake it off, no siree, Bob.

I love my flame thrower. I am now in charge.

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