Friday, March 6, 2009


Blog number 287 **** 06 March 2009

We went to see "Watchmen" today. We (my wife and I) both loved it. It got some not so good reviews, but then after hearing of "Singing In the Rain" being judged funniest American movie ever, and after hearing that two of my favorite movies plus some of my favorite TV series are junk, I don't pay too much attention to other people's opinions or judgments about what I like.

It's art, I guess. I know what I like, and since I am the only one inhabiting my reality, I get to choose what's good and what's bad.

"Watchmen" is good. Very. very good. Excellent, in fact.

One "throw away" line I missed in the comic book was Rorschach's comment, "She didn't recognize me without my mask." I loved that!


Anonymous said...

i remember that part in the comic, good line. i havent seen the movie yet but im going to tomorrow. from your reviews its sure not to disappoint me.

Don Reynolds said...

HI Sydney. It surprises me that you read Watchmen, since it was published before you were born.

How'd you come to read it? just ran across it accidently or did someone recommend it?

It was the comic that got me interested in comics again. They got so bad after the Undergrounds ran out that almost everyone left the field. Now there are tons of excellent comics - but they are expensive and not very many pages in them.

Anonymous said...

Was it written a long time ago? I thought it was recent. I actually take pretty recent trips up to a store in chandler, Atomic Comics, it's my favorite place ever and I've gotten close to one of the managers. He's real helpful in finding me good comics and that was the first one he picked out for me.

Don Reynolds said...

HI Sydney

Yes, it is an old comic. I think first issue probably around 1984.

My middle son and I used to buy each issue as it came out. We had to wait a whole month before we could see what new thing happened.

We heard long ago that a movie was coming out, but years and years passed and I thought it was nothing
more than wishful thinking. I was very surprised when I found out they were in the process of making the movie.

Don Reynolds said...

Sydney - did you get to see the movie yet? If so, whadda ya think?

Don Reynolds said...

Sydney, Let me ask you a question.

What do you think of the war stories I've been putting in my entries from the books I've been reading? Are they like from long, long ago back in history and therefore not very interesting (having nothing to do with your life experiences), or are they not interesting in their own right, or do you enjoy them?

I get the feeling that they might be mostly for males and mostly interesting to those who lived through that time. But I am curious as to how a young lady sees them.