Thursday, December 11, 2008


Blog number 255 **** 11 December 2008

My youngest son told me the other day that his wife, Kiki, passed him in the kitchen while he was busy doing something or other and he said to her, "How's it going, Kiki?" or words to that effect. I forget what, exactly he told me that he had said, but it's not important. Is it?

He then turned around and Kiki wasn't there, she was in the other room and he heard her say, "Who you talking to, Honey?" Again, paraphrased. My memory ain't all that good.

He asked me what I thought had happened. I told him about tulpas.

Tulpas are, according to Eastern Philosophy, Mind creations. Supposedly, a person can concentrate his or her mind on an imagined person to such an extent that eventually that imagined person becomes real enough that the creator can see and talk to "it". Eventually, again supposedly, if the mind is kept on it, other people will also be able to see and talk to the tulpa.

I told the story in an earlier Blog entry about a little girl I met on my walk to the Post Office who, after asking me where I was going and I told her I was going home, she said, "I go too." She told me her name was Brittany, but I found out later from her grandmother that Brittany wasn't her name at all - that she just called herself that because Brittany Spears was her idol.

"Brittany" moved away before I could see her again, but I never forgot her over the course of I think, four years. Occasionally I would say to my good wife that I sure missed Brittany. I thought of her often.

A couple of days ago I was out pruning a large tree full of branches. Occasionally I heard this sweet voice, but at first I thought it was children playing and then it seemed to me I was being spoken to. I looked through the branches into the neighbor's yard and there was this sweet, sweet, child. She said, "Can you see me?"

I talked to her for a while and I came away with the definite impression that she was exactly like my Brittany. Maybe a year older, maybe not.

I guess I could say that my constant thinking of Brittany produced her as my tulpa if I wanted to live in a magical world instead of in this boring mundane ordinary commonplace undistinguished world, couldn't I?

Sure I could.


Paul Higginbotham said...

Tulpas, I like that Don. I have never heard of them. Did they ever blow up submarines?

Just kidding.

I have had the tulpa experience with Robin on several occasions. We'd be out somewhere and she'd be off and I'd still be talking to "her." It was as if she was still THERE. But when I found out she was way off I felt rather sheepish. It made me want to put a black bag over a periscope! Or hit it with a hammer! grin

Don Reynolds said...
