Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Blog number 147                                               Feb 12, 2008

So we're in Trader Joe's and there's this cute little boy in there and I ask him if he's in preschool and he says, "No.  I'm in pre-kindergarten."  His mother repeats, "He's not in preschool - he's in pre-KINDERGARTEN."  Hah!  He's so grownup.

We were in Mimi's the other week and I'm waiting for Teresa so we can leave and way down at the end of the booths I see this baby with black hair hanging down her face. She stood out like a focal point in a painting.  I find out that she was of an American Indian mother and an Oriental (I think Chinese) father.

Leaving the family, I go back to wait by the door for Teresa and when she comes up, I point down toward the baby and I say, "look at that."  I can see she's not as impressed as I think she should be, and then I notice she's looking at another baby closer - a blond.  I say, "No - down there," pointing.  She looks and I can see her "come to attention." 

I have thought about that incident periodically every day since.  There was something about that baby that made her stand out from all other creatures.  It's like there was some kind of an aura she put out that drew people to her.  There was nothing that you could really put your finger on that made her different, but it was there - whatever "it" was.

I ran across this phenomena only once before, in the downtown mall in Sacramento several years ago.  That time it was a girl about ten years old, dressed very grownup in a nice hat and coat.  There was just something about her that made her "different" in a very dramatic way.

Magic, people.  Magic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...