Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Blog number 132                                               Nov. 20, 2007

In Safeway, a mother was pushing a cart in which a five year old girl rode.  As they came around a corner, the little girl reached out to me and said, "Wait."

I stopped and she said, "Do you have E.T. go home?"  I said, "I've seen E.T. go home.  Good movie."

She turned to her mother and said, "He has E.T. go home."

Her mother smiled and patted her on the head.  I did the same. 

The little girl must have just seen E.T. that morning at home.  Stopping strangers in order to talk to them about E.T. She reminded me of Tara and her Batman phase.  "Batman, Daddy.  Batman!"
Getting out of the car preparing to go into Barnes and Nobles, I heard some screeching from down the street.  When I went into the store I saw a mother, a little girl and a baby boy in a cart.  Guessing that the little boy was the one I heard hollering, I asked the mother what he was yelling about.  She said he had dropped a chicken tender.

I leaned down to the baby and asked him if he had dropped his chicken tender.  his lower lip started trembling and he was about to cry.  I asked him if he wanted me to see if I could find it and, miraculously out of nowhere, I finished with, "and throw it away?"

He brightened up and nodded his head.

I went outside but couldn't find it.  I came back inside and told him I couldn't find it, that maybe a bird had gotten it.  I asked him if that was all right.  He smiled and nodded his head.

Now what gets me is, what was he hollering about?  Did he think the chicken tender was alive and he had left it out there to fend for itself?  Obviously he wasn't upset about getting it back for himself,so what was it that upset him so?  We'll never know, will we?

Babies.  Fun creatures.

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