Sunday, October 7, 2007


Blog number 121                                               Oct. 07, 2007

I was sitting with David - my oldest son, in a coffee house in downtown Sacramento.  When I got up to leave, my chair tipped over and I felt an excruciating pain. It was so bad that it kinda put me in a very confused state of mind.  I remember David kept asking me if I had hit my head and I never did answer him because I really didn't know whether I did or not.  I felt pain, but I couldn't determine where it originated. Turned out I had torn a rotator cuff.

The reason for the tipped chair I later found out, was because one leg was on a little ledge against the wall.  When I got up to get out, the chair leg floating in the air went to the floor and dumped me.

I went to Kaiser - an HMO, got into an argument with the doctor who didn't want to OK an operation, and frustrated, told me that he was "the foremost shoulder expert with Kaiser in Northern California."  Big fish in little pond, I guess.

He asked me what I wanted done with it, and I told him I wanted it fixed.  In an amazed stance with voice to go with it, he yelled, "FIX IT?  FIX IT?"  I told him that I KNEW that football players got rotator cuff injuries operated on, contrary to his insistence that nothing could be done.  He snarled at me, "Well...are YOU a football player?"  That's a pretty good for-instance of the type of arguments he was giving me.

He apologized to me later, but I could tell his heart really wasn't in it.

A few weeks later, because I had this vision of faces staring at me, I asked David if people were looking at me at the time and he said, "Well, Dad.  You WERE lying on the floor."  I never knew that.  Ain't that weird?

Because of that injury, I now throw like a girl and I can't throw farther than ten or fifteen feet.

But I eat good and I got a cat.

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