Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Blog number 442 ******** 30 November, 2010

So my wife and I are sitting in Barnes and Nobles waiting for her cousin and her cousin's friend, journeying up from Tucson. I'm reading a pretty interesting book about Baba Booey and listening to some really good Pink Floyd on my Walkman type radio. My wife is reading a magazine entitled, "How It Works." She taps my arm and signals for me to take the earpieces out of my ear so I can hear what she has to say.

I do this reluctantly, but I do it. She says, "Look. It says here that if you have anti-lock brakes on your car, then when you brake like when the road is wet, the brakes won't lock up and cause you to skid. What do you think of that?"

I say, "Probably why they call them "Anti-lock brakes."

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