Monday, February 1, 2010


Blog number 371 **** 01 February 2009

I have this son who shall remain nameless because he wants it that way, who likes to take his mother and father - that's me and my wife, to church with him early Saturday morning. He gets up around 4 A.M. and drives down here, wakes us up 'cause we go to bed late, we get to church by 8, then usually to Mimi's for breakfast and then home to watch TV or he and I work on jigsaw puzzles or play with our dolls - dress them up, things like that.

That's not true. We don't play with our dolls.

No, wait! We don't have any dolls.

I don't have any dolls.

He told us to go to bed early Friday night so we wouldn't be crabby Saturday. His mother was crabby last Saturday, so he said to her, "I told you to go to bed early." Hah!

It was like he was saying, "I told you! Why didn't you mind?"

I'm sure we must have said something like that to him when he was the child and we were the parents, but how the tables have turned.

I'm think I'll ask for an allowance. I think I'm old enough for one.

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