Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Blog number 214                                                             09 September 2008

I am enamored with pithy, clever or funny sentences.  I was going to list my favorites from movies and TV and leave it to the reader to remember where they had heard them or wonder what they were all about if the sentences were unfamiliar to them.  Then I thought I might have a contest, and whoever guessed where the sentences came from, would have a chance at a $100,000 prize.  But I decided not to do that.  I decided instead to list them, and the circumstances of their origin.  So here 'tis.

"Didn't your masters teach you that before they sent you here?"  
Wife, fighting with her husband in The Ref. 

In Death Becomes Her, when Meryl Streep's character was told there was a warning after Streep's character had already taken the potion, she says, "NOW a warning?" .

Michael, in The Office, explaining to his girlfriend why he was breaking off with her, "It's not me.  It's you."

"Spider Pig, Spider Pig..."
Homer's song, from The Simpson Movie

From Brother Where Art Thou.  The really dumb one's partner has figured out that he will be eighty-seven when he finishes his sentence because of the added fifty years for their escape from a road gang.  You can see the really dumb one working out that this means he will also receive fifty extra years, and you can see his face light up as he proudly proclaims, "Why, I'll only be eighty-two!"

In Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, discussing a fellow alumni, Romy says, " She's like a little girl except she smokes and says shit a lot. "  By the way.  This is really a funny, funny movie.  Not a good title, but a good movie.

In The Perfect Murder, the wife's boyfriend, who was supposed to kill the wife, but things went wrong, is discussing with the husband what to do now.  After it is decided to do nothing for the moment, he says,
" One thing.  Do I keep f***ing your wife or what?" 

In Once Upon A Crime, George Hamilton's character - a gigolo, is being questioned about his alibi during a murder, and when he says he was servicing a wealthy dowager for three or four hours, the police looked at him with disbelief and awe.  George shrugs his shoulders and says,
"It's my job.  It's what I do."

In HBO's The Wire, the cry, Omar's coming!  Omar's coming! sends the street rabble scurrying for cover.  Omar carries a shotgun and uses it often.

On King of the Hill, Bobby has accidentally seen his cousin, Luanne, naked.  Telling this to his friend Joseph gets Joseph all excited. 

Joseph asks Bobby if she had on high heels.  Bobby says, "no."  Joseph says, with a dreamy look, "
I'm gonna imagine her in high heels."

Near the end of the episode, after numerous futile attempts by Joseph to see Luanne naked, Luanne catches Khan, the Laoion neighbor innocently looking in her bathroom window and yells out, "Peggy, Mr. Khan saw me naked."  Joseph, riding outside on his bicycle, hears this and disgustedly says, "Aw, man!"

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