Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Blog number 215                                                             09 September 2008

I don't visit the library in Casa Grande, where I live.  I go thirty miles to Phoenix to vist their library.  "Why?" you ask.  Because the library here doesn't have all that many books, the "new books" section is filled with magazines and "how to" books, and the Library circulars seem to be for the sole purpose of recommending films and lectures, and enumerating the many new features of the library's computers.  Anything ever about books?  Sure.  Book clubs.  That's it.

So I have noticed that whenever I try to put a hold on a new book lately (in the Phoenix library.  Good luck trying to put a hold on a book in Casa Grande), I have noticed they often have the book in CD form, or audio form, but NOT as a book!  I'm afraid books are on their way out.

The only things of value you can be sure will not be stolen except accidentally, is one shoe or a book.

I needed to get that off my chest.  I'm getting a bit crabby in my old age.

It'll get worse.

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