Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Blog number 115                                               Sep 05, 2007

I hate being the bearer of this news, but I think it imperative that we, as fellow travelers, know the true state of the nature of humans and the resulting humanity so that we may prepare ourselves to protect us and those we love.  And our property, such as it is. 

Protect.  And serve.  Let me assure you, dear ones, that stupidity and the stupid abound.  There is absolutely no danger of their extinction in the foreseeable future.  And they can be dangerous - especially if they happened to have some power over you.  So you be careful out there.

A case in point.  Actually, three cases which came into my environment in the space of one half of one of the twenty-four hours allotted us each turn of the earth.  The first one I read in the paper concerned the proposal for congress to allow a change in the design of the gold dollar coin "So that more people will want them."

I have railed against this stupidity of assuming that certain coins and other objects are not popular because of the public's refusal of them.  That is just not true.  Changing the design is not going to help.  Just a few months ago they were talking about putting a male face on a new dollar coin in order to make them more acceptable.  What happened to that brilliant brainstorm?

The reason that people don't spend gold dollars is because they can't get them because banks don't carry them.  And even if they did carry them, the public would, one by one, have to ask specifically for them.  If the government so wants us to appreciate their amazing ideas, then the banks had better start giving them out in place of dollar bills.  Toot sweet.

On another page of the same newspaper we are told of a service given to a fallen member of the police force.  Are you ready for this?  The service was for a police DOG "killed in the line of duty."  That's right folks.  Evidently all dogs don't go to Heaven - at least not without a service with hymns being sung and prayers being said pleading with God to let the poor dog in.  This is not really an isolated case of assigning human qualities to a dog either.  Several years ago, Chief Gates of the Los Angels police force ordered that the American flags in Los Angels be flown at half mast for a fallen police dog hero.

Shortly after leaving the coffee shop where the above was read, I pulled up to a red light and pulled toward the center, leaving plenty of space on my right for drivers wishing to make a right turn on a red light to continue on their journey.  Lo and behold, a pickup with his right turn signal flashing pulled up behind me, partly right behind me and partly in the space I purposely left open.  I checked again to see if I had left enough space, and sure enough, I did.  Plenty of space.  Well, the driver couldn't be that dense, could he?  Maybe his turn signal was inadvertently left on and he was going to continue straight, behind me.  I have done that myself - left my turn signal on because I was not aware that it was.  I have done that plenty of times.

When the light changed, sure enough, the guy made a right turn.  I had trouble seeing for a while after that, having slapped my forehead with sufficient force to cause intensive watering of the eyes, shooting stars, and a short period of unconsciousness.  I recovered in time to avoid an accident, fortunately.

So watch out.  No telling what stupid people will do.  They are unpredictable, careless and useless.  Too bad slavery is illegal.

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