Sunday, August 9, 2009


Blog number 324 **** 09 August 2009

So I'm watching a movie on commercial television called, "Come Early Morning" starring Ashely Judd, a run-of-the-mill, predictable, "I've seen this plot before" type of movie, but entertaining nevertheless - probably because nothing else any good is on, and I see a scene where Ashley comes upon a pickup truck being loaded with a juke box carried out from the bar which she frequents.

She goes inside and asks what's going on with the jukebox, and the bartender tells her that the patrons want new country music, being tired of old country music and I'm thinking, "What is Hell's wrong with those Hollywood people?" They think juke boxes come with music and if you want different music you have to get a different box? Am I missing something? I don't think so.

But maybe.


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