Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Blog number 503******* 06 April 2011

On our weekly visit to Phoenix this morning, we saw, going South, a flatbed semi hauling a rusty anchor that was large enough for a cruiser or at least a destroyer. I don't know my ships that well, but it also could have been for a battleship. Whatever, it was huge. We figured it was going to San Diego, but my question is, where was it coming from, this used anchor?

We see lots of strange things on highway 10. Tanks and armored carriers on flatbeds, military convoys, parts for wind turbines, lots of very large stuff covered and if uncovered, indescribable. We used to travel a lot between Sacramento and San Francisco and we never ever saw equipment like this. The desert is a very strange place anyhow. Stuff like this just makes it stranger.

We arrived in Phoenix, turned right towards my favorite restaurant and heard this strange soft flap flap flap. I looked behind to see if I ran over anything. Nope. Then I realized it sounded like a broken fan belt. We pulled over into a parking lot, I got out and raised the hood and saw the alternator belt lying in tiny strips on the floor of the engine compartment.

Drove to Purcell's on Ray Rd. Left the car there to have three belts replaced, rejoiced that I had changed the timing belt a few weeks before, 'cause I sure didn't want that sucker to fall apart.

While waiting for the repair, we walked over to Fry's Market, had free coffee and free donuts. Wify talking to other people sitting there. Me, I'm just watching for babies.

I hear this female voice shout angrily, "Don't you go there! You've already had your carbohydrates this morning! George! Stop!" I look and there's this old man who already has a donut in his mouth and is cramming in another one before his wife can get hold of it.

As he walks by me, I say, "Good, huh?" He gives me a thumbs up, grinning as much as he can with his mouth full of donut while his wife complains, "He has diabetes and this is why."

Delightful couple.

Saw babies.

Car fixed.

Drove home.

Here now.

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