Thursday, September 9, 2010


Blog number 414 **** 09 September, 2010

My wife and I went to Phoenix this morning, to Chandler Mall. Chandler Mall has an outdoor fountain where people throw coins in the fountain. When we walked upon this fountain, two little boys and a grandma were there. The boys were looking at the water squirting in the air and falling back into the pond while the grandma stayed back watching.

We asked the grandma if it would be all right if we gave the boys a penny each to throw into the water. She thought that a great idea. She proceeded to tell the boys to throw their pennies into the water and "make a wish for a good job."

"Throw the penny in. Make a wish for a good job," she exhorted several times. The first kid threw his in and the grandma thrilled, "Good job."

I told my wife I had never before seen a wish come true so fast.

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