Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Blog number 342 **** 17 November 2009

Three days ago I was waiting in the middle of the road waiting to make a left turn - exactly like it says to do in the driver's manual, and when the oncoming traffic slowed because the light turned yellow, ready to turn red, I started to make my left turn. But then I noticed the first oncoming car was speeding up, so I stopped, and as he drew next to me, he slowed way down. I didn't look at the driver, but I am sure he slowed down in order to glare at me for trying to cut in front of him. He ran through a red light in order to do this.

Later that day I legally parked in a handicap parking at Fry's at the same time this car pulled up in front of me and the driver got out and said, "You didn't pull in far enough. Someone's going to hit the back of your car." I thought he was talking to someone else because I had pulled in far enough. He said it again, so I said, "What?" - checking to see if it was me that he was talking to. He told me that again, so I looked at the back of my car, saw that it was pulled in far enough, but in order not to piss the guy off, I said, "Thanks," got in, started the car up, pulled up about two feet, stopped the engine, got out and started to go into the store. Then I noticed that where the guy had parked, which I had assumed was a parking spot and he was indeed trying to be helpful, was NOT a parking place.

Let's see now. This guy pulled into a non-parking place in front of a handicap parking spot, got out of his car in order to accost me to tell me I should pull further in. I thought, "What the hell?"

Now that's two "funny" drivers, so all that day and the next two, I kept looking for my "third" funny driver because those things usually happen in threes. I gave up looking today.

Funny thing, though - and this may well be that thirdie I was looking for. There is a chance that both cars and both drivers are the same car and driver. Same color cars, same "big" cars, same aggressive "I'm entitled" attitude.

The parking guy, I think what he was doing was expecting to cut through the parking lot until I pulled in front of him and stopped that. Why he got out of the car and gave me that strange warning, I have no idea. Dork.

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