Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Blog number 210                                                             27 August 2008

I'm reading another book about General Stilwell and in it, it mentions Madam Chiang K'ai-Shek being told about how the Communist Chinese pay their soldiers, treat the populace well, and do not have the graft that the Nationalists do.  Madam went to the window and looked out for a bit, turned around and said, "Well, that's because they have not known real power."

A few years back I read a book written by the campaign manager of Goldwater's failed attempt to secure the presidency of the United States.  In it, he stated that he noticed that he looked upon the crowds standing watching Goldwater ride by, waving to them, that he and Goldwater were obviously going places, but these people seemed to him like they were always going to be standing there, waiting and watching for those who were moving on.  He stated that this was the main problem with politicians.  They seemed to obviously be above and beyond "those people."

When Rockefeller was running for president, I watched him talking to a man who was saying that he wanted Social Security to be voluntary instead of mandatory.  Rockefeller seemed confused by what the man was saying, and he finally asked, "Well, why don't you just send the money back?"  The man was rendered speechless.  How could a person answer that?  It was obvious that Rockefeller (and many others) had no experience at all with paying Social Security.  Probably no experience with paying any kind of taxes, actually.

I remember when Ronald Reagan, as Governor of California, after saying that "taxes should hurt," was found by a College newspaper reporter, to have paid no taxes at all. 

This revelation roused the ire of the State of California, which then geared up to find the dirty scum that would dare leak such a valuable state secret to a lowly newspaperman, which enabled the ordinary common citizen to have access to information previously allotted only to the Chosen.

Now, if you tie all these stories together, you should begin to see that it really doesn't matter who becomes your representative.  They all become the same person and that person is never YOU.
I read in the paper today that the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a below average temperate for the U. S. this year.  This is news?  This should be put in the paper?  This is the kind of news we expect in out papers?  TV, yeah, but newspapers?

And oh, yeah.  Julia Roberts is still Gorgeous.  I just read it.

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