Sunday, June 1, 2008


Blog number   180                                                              01 June 2008

We gots a mourning dove nesting in our nectarine tree in the back yard.  She was out there last year, hatched something that we never got to see because some night animal got it.  Coulda been our cat, Zipper.  This year I'm keeping him inside and when I do let him out, I follow him everywhere and when he gets too close to that tree, I pick him up and carry him inside.  I caught him earlier this year sniffing at one of the eggs.  He's quick.  And sneaky.

We had mourning doves in Sacramento, but they seem more flighty than the ones out here.  Maybe because of a hunting season in Sacramento.  We took my nephew, Mark and his wife, Julie out to dinner at this restaurant that has a cactus garden out back and a museum of desert stuff that the owner inherited (as well as the house that houses the restaurant).  One of the things most fascinating to me was one of those old dynamite plungers that you used to see in those old black and white Westerns.

We four were out back looking at all the different cactuses and Mark says, "Look at this."  He was standing about a foot from a nesting mourning dove at eye level.  I had already passed that cactus, I didn't see the bird.  We stared at it for a while, it stared back.  You really can't see where it's looking because its eyes are solid black.  But you can tell.

Our bird in the back yard is like that.  I mow the lawn right under it, I go out and pick nectarines all around its nest, I go out and look first thing in the morning and several times a day.  Never flies away.  And its nest is at eye level too.

There are two young 'uns.  I saw them a couple of times when the mother left to eat.  They have small heads and great big black eyes and they never move while you are looking.  I have never heard a sound from them, never seen them rustling around.  They are so cute!

The neighbor that Teresa suspects flattened our tire so's she could talk to me had two of these birds nesting in her eaves right after we moved in.  They were right outside the side door of the garage.  I told her about them because I thought she would be excited, but I found out later that they tore the nest down "because we don't want pigeons nesting in the roof tiles."

They came back this year and were looking like they were going to nest again.  This time I didn't say anything, but she mentioned them again - and about them being pigeons.  I told her they weren't pigeons.  She said, "Well, what are they then?"  I told her they were mourning doves and that supposedly they brought good luck.  I made that part up, about them bringing luck.  It didn't help anyhow because the birds are gone and I know they didn't leave without cause.

I once saw a cop show where this lady had a big, big snake on her porch and when the cops captured it, one of them smashed its head and killed it.  Sheesh!  Sometimes humans irritate the shit out of me.


Anonymous said...

I have a bird that istalking me. (yours?) It seems to drop "dew" everywhere I go.  I try to stay away from parking near trees...almost a near impossibility. Just as soon as I wash it off, the bird finds me again. Don't get me wrong. I love to listen to the awesome sounds they make, too. One of these days, however,  I think I am going to make like "Yosemite Sam" (sp?) and find that bird....only my gun will just say "bang!" (smile) ---angel

Anonymous said...

...and another thing. For some reason, it bothers me to see "1 comments." So I just had to add another one to justify the plural "comments." Am I a bird flocking to your feather? ---angel

Anonymous said...

...perhaps, your bird is "stuffed" or pretty darn brave? ---angel

Anonymous said...

Angel,  My bird is not stuffed nor brave.  I think the proper term is "stupid." I don't know how they survive so well, but they do have offspring pretty often every year

Any idea what kind of bird drops on you?  Maybe sparrows?

Anonymous said...

It's black. Could be a raven or even a hawk. It seems to follow me everywhere. I used to have a book on Native Americans with a section concerning the meaning of different animals who come into our lives. But I seem to have misplaced it somewhere. I sincerely hope a raven following me around is a good sign...even though he keeps dropping dew on  my car! Yet another side of the story, a good Italian friend tells me that a pigeon dropping dew on one's head is good luck. (smile) As for me, I would say to the raven, "Nevermore!" ---angel

Anonymous said...

Angel, I don't think pigeon shit is good luck, but I may be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I saw a movie called, "Under the Tuscan Sun," that I loved. Definitely a chick flick. A pigeon drops dew on Diane Lane's head and she gets a villa. Hmmm...a villa in Tuscany. Not bad. ---angel

Anonymous said...

Pigeon dew was good luck for Diane's character, so maybe there's something to it.  We got a lot of pigeons around here, maybe I can coax one into dropping on my head and see what happens.  I could even try a lottery ticket.