Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Blog number   176                                                              27 May 2008

This entry is mostly for a particular person commenting on my entries. I don't feel I explained or can explain my viewpoint clearly in the comment section. For instance, this that I am writing now will be written, edited, and corrected.  The comment section is simply written.

The thing about crude oil being a product of dead plants and animals is not that it is a myth, it is that I believe it is a myth.  It may not be.  It may be true.  I don't think it is.

If it is true that crude oil comes from plants and animals, then there are myriad other difficult questions that come up automatically.  But to say that crude oil is a liquid mineral hydrocarbon brings up no other questions than saying, "that is sandstone" does.  Occum's Razor.

There ARE myths disguised as truths that are absolute, not merely believed, but unfortunately they are so ingrained in our culture's consciousness as truths that though easily seen, they are very often dismissed as - usually, "playing with words."  One usually thinks, "That just cannot be!"

I could start out by saying that the whole physical world is contained completely within your skull.  This you could dismiss easily, and quite rightly. 

But if I point out that light waves enter your eye, transform into electrochemical signals, and eventually the brain reacts in such a way so that YOU see, that sight is a product of the brain and NOT the eye, this is something most of us have been taught in school.  We can accept that.

But if I point out that what we hear, feel, taste, smell, also is "felt" first ONLY in the brain and THEN we hear, feel, taste, and smell, this you may have a little more trouble with.  But maybe not.

But then if I go on to say that since all of our sensing of the physical world is sensed ONLY in the brain and therefore the whole physical universe is contained ONLY in our brain, THAT you will refuse.  Even though it follows logically.  No es verdad?

Once this is comprehended, accepted, that the whole physical world is contained solely within our skulls, then a whole world of what used to seem like truths to us becomes clearly, myths.  Things that used to seem of the utmost importance - like politics, archeology, history, or art, become playthings for adult children. Fun, but of no importance.  Myths, and nothing else.

I am not saying that everything is an illusion.  I am saying that everything physical is an illusion - not real.  What is "out there" may not be out there at all.  There is no way to tell.

All the available evidence seems to suggest that there IS no "out there" out there.  It's all a myth, is what seems to be suggested.

There ARE real "things," but they are not physical.  For instance, thoughts are real, but they aren't physical.


Anonymous said...

You know, Bodhi, I used to wonder as a child why a severe wound I received while playing outside with some other children did not hurt until I actually looked at it. I was not a tom-boy, but I climbed over a metal fence with a top that had jagged points to it so that I could retrieve a ball for my friends. As I swung over, my underarm got caught. A hole was ripped open that went down to the muscle. My mom almost passed out from the sight of all that blood. I, on the other hand, actually felt nothing until the emergency room doctor started stitching me up. There was no pain for me while I looked away. Perhaps you are right. At least for me, the physical did not exist until I noticed it. ---angel

Anonymous said...

Angel, thanks for writing.

Pain is a funny thing - well, not funny ha ha, but funny weird.  I learned in est and also by personal experience, that if you accept the pain, "wallow" in it, then it becomes something else.  The "something else" that we try to avoid is what "causes" the pain.  If you have a small pain and you "accept" it, it becomes something like a weird feeling at the point of the "pain."  It definitely becomes "not pain."

Turns out also that the only things real to us are those things we believe to be true.  Believe it to be pain, it IS pain.  Believe the person is an enemy (or friend), that person IS an enemy (or friend).

Anonymous said...

Sorry I bothered you, it won't happen again...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My dear sweet Violet Sp.  I have no idea what you mean by "other people's stuff."  This stuff about everything being in the head and oil not coming from dead stuff is all mine.  I catch hell for it mostly because I cannot quote from "others" like Einstein or Wiggenstein or any other "Expert."  Besides, this is my blog, I can write what I want.  I answer to neither man nor Hillery supporter.

You would not like to look at my memories from my experiences because you constantly tell me that it "isn't interesting," "I don't want to hear it,"  " You've said the same thing over and over,"  and, "Shut up."

I have never told you funny stories of my life.  You always say to me, "That's not funny, Don."

Anonymous said...

Omgwhatever 32, How did you come by the idea that you bothered me?  I perused everything I've written in the past few days - several; times, and I cannot find the slightest hint of having indicated that I was bothered.  Please explain?

Anonymous said...

omgwhatever32 does not exist, Bodhi! Click on his/her name in your comment section and "Poof!" Nada, zip...no journal is there. Guess this proves your theory that it is indeed all in our heads. Check back with you later. ---angel

Anonymous said...

angelmia - figment of our imagination huh?  A glitch in the matrix?  Life virus?

Anonymous said...

I see I read too much between the lines... No, I don't have a journal.  I only needed info about the plumbing at the house here in Sac.  Your blog reminded me of the conversations we've had in the past, on your front porch and it made me happy.  I miss you and Teresa.  Your post just read kind of testy to me, so I got it in my head that you were irritated by my questions.  I don't really know the correct protocol when it comes to Blogs and Message Boards and the like, so, I thought maybe I shouldn't be leaving comments.  Life virus?  That sounds bad.  Also, I do not support Hillary.  I love you.  MaryAnne

Anonymous said...

Back when I used the message boards a lot, I used to get comments like, "Are you angry?"  Quizing one of them, it came out that when I am just messing around, I used a lot of "Hahs!"  But when I am serious about something, I didn't use them, so that was what was making the difference.

The thing about talking this way, you can't hear inflections and you can't see nuances in body language, and since we all seem to be a bit paranoid about what people think of us, we do tend to take it negatively if there is any chance of it being negative.  Yes?

I did hope that you remembered that nothing much ever bothers me and that would make you take a second look.  I remember one time Errin knocked down my stacked wood and started feeling really badly about it and you said, "Don doesn't care."  And she said, "That's right!  Don doesn't care."  That made me feel really good - that I was thought to be so harmless.

I enjoyed those conversations too.  I remember once you threw one of my  sayings back at me at a time when I needed it.  It felt like "bread upon the waters."

There really is no "protocol" for Blogs and boards - except no flaming.  Not getting comments kinda makes writing feel like it is going into a dark hole.  Is anybody reading this?  Like  that.  So comments are greatly appreciated.

Also, it is my dear darling Teresa that is the rabid Hillary supporter, so I was making a dig at her.  She started it.

And I love you too and I'm glad you no longer feel that you were irritating me.  You never have.  Don.

Anonymous said...

If a blog falls in the forest, but there is no one there to read it, does it mean it does not exist? MaryAnne, omg, nice to know the matrix guys didn't blast you into oblivion! ---angel

Anonymous said...

Your comment about the blog falling in the forest reminds me.  That old "unanswerable question" "If a tree falls in the forset and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"  The answer is,"No."

For this reason;  Sound is "created" only in the head.  When any tree falls, it may create movement waves of molecules, but that's it.  Never does anything create sound.  

And there are no such things as "sound waves" unless that is what you call the systematic waves of air pressure.

I told this to a friend of mine once and he looked at me skeptically and responded, "I suppose you know which came first, the chicken or the egg, too?

I said, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."