Saturday, May 24, 2008


Blog number   174                                                              24 May 2008

We - Teresa and I, were watching the movie, "There Will Be Blood" this afternoon and in the movie, the characters are bailing crude oil from a pool of it with buckets and then pouring the buckets of oil into a pit.  The oil was black, heavy, dirty, filthy.  Looking at it, I was convinced once again how highly unlikely it is that this selfsame oil came from dead dinosaurs or any other kind of animal, like the experts proclaim. At least I think they proclaim.  Somebody did.  It was in my textbooks in school.

It is difficult for me to believe that scientists - who are supposedly known for their intellect, could ever think that oil came from animals.  I really don't know where that idea came from, l only know that it is a pervasive myth in our culture, and maybe in cultures around the world.

I have seen a lot of dead animals and not once did any of them look like they were "turning."  They either got eaten or they dried up.  Those were the only two choices.

Even supposing dead dinosaurs were the "cause" of crude oil.  Even supposing.  Did millions of them happen to die in them same place so that the millions of barrels of oil in an oil field could exist?  And in other parts of the world the dinosaurs died and didn't turn into oil?  Very, very unlikely scenario.

So what's the story? Where did this myth come from and why isn't one of our "experts" demystifying this ubiquitous mystery?  Huh?

I just wanted to get this off my chest.  Maybe some day I'll write about other myths disguised as truths -- like "Your vote counts" or "We see with our eyes" or "The constitution guarantees..."

But don't hold your breath.

Spitting into the wind is tiresome.


Anonymous said...

The only two choices?  What about tar pits or peat bogs or volcanos or landslides or avalances or floods or earthquakes or ??  What if it takes millions and millions of years?  There is so much we don't know.  Is that what you mean?

Anonymous said...

I mean the only two choices for the disposal of dead bodies.  Tar pits and peat bogs, I think peat bogs may be constructed from dead plants.  Maybe - not too sure about that either.  Tar pits I think may be another form of oil.

Mostly, just think about your experiences with what happens to dead animals and then think of the oceans and oceans of crude oil that lie "down there."  Isn't it more likely that oil is a hydro-carbon liquid mineral?  Yes?

I don't really know how these things formed, and my point it that nonody else does either, but it is put to us as a truth that "experts" do know.  Myths disguised as truths.  There are thousands upon thousands of them in our own culture.  This may be just one of them - this animals into oil thing.

Thak you for giving me this opertunity to expand on my favorite rant.

Anonymous said...

Your welcome!  I really have no right to comment as I don't know anything about oil and how it got where it is.  The point I was trying to make is that supposedly all those "dinosaurs" died millions of years ago under conditions that might not exist today.

I found this:

"Most geologists today agree that crude oil forms over million of years from the remains of tiny aquatic plants and animals that are exposed to the combined effects of time and temperature. In other words, oil forms from organic matter that is either "cooked" deep within the earth for long periods of time at low temperatures, or "cooked" for short periods of time at high temperatures."  

That would be the same as your "hydro-carbon liquid mineral?  Seems to me you agree with the myth.

So, theory = myth?  Your problem is with the theory presented as truth?

I think we're to blame for accepting the myths the marketing people provide.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

>>I found this:

"Most geologists today agree that crude oil forms over million of years from the remains of tiny aquatic plants and animals that are exposed to the combined effects of time and temperature. In other words, oil forms from organic matter that is either "cooked" deep within the earth for long peri ..." <<

I have never heard of the "tiny plants and animals" before.  it was always "dinosaurs."

These experts may agree on this - that to me, is the insidiousness of these myths.  They look so much like TRUTHS and all "Experts" agree on this "truth," that nobody cares to question.

I think it comes mostly from the fact that oil is a hydrocarbon, which has been commonly agreed to be a property ONLY of living critters - including plants.  We now know, of course, that not all animals and plants have to have a hydrocarbon base - for instance the silcone and sulfer based plants and animals in the hot spots of the Mariana Trench.

But the main thing is that, nobody knows anything at all about any physical thing.  Experts claim to know.  But they don't.  Big Bang, Darwin's Evolution, Capitalism, Religions, Life, Death, Gravity, Magnetism, etc etc etc.  Nobody knows anything at all about any of this.  Absolutely nothing.  But they will tell you how these things work, and why.  There is no dearth of experts on any subject you wish.

Anonymous said...

What about the Math?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what you mean by, "What about the math?"