Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Blog number 529 ******* 14 September 2011

Cox is our supplier for our television programs. My wife owns the good TV - the one in the living room, so when she is watching TV and there is something I want to watch, I go in the bedroom and watch the one in there. It doesn't have as many channels as the other TV, but it's good enough for me.

So today I'm watching Judge Joe and when the ads come on, I switch over to a local news channel. This is a strange channel, because I'm watching the news at about 4:30 PM and every once in awhile the news lady says, "It's now 9:30 and we're going to show you some news." Well, that's not actually correct that she said that, but that's the gist of it. The point being that it is a news program in the morning of the afternoon I'm watching it. Breaking news, I guess.  Or maybe broke news.

We have a PIN for when we want to watch movies we have to pay for. The PIN is so that nobody else can watch movies and make us pay for it.  Like when you use a PIN to get money out of an ATM.

So today I'm watching and all of a sudden across the screen I read, "YOUR PIN FOR WATCHING MOVIES IS 0000." That's supposed to be a secret, isn't it? Why is my television letting the world know my PIN - if indeed it is telling more people than just me? I don't know who all saw that. Probably just me, but one never knows, does one?  And why is it telling me anyhow? For what purpose?

I didn't even ask the television what my PIN was. It volunteered the information, as if I was some idiot that needed taking care of by an inanimate object

And shouldn't I be telling the television what my PIN is instead of the television telling me?

You understand my confusion?