Blog number Two Hundred ! 28 July 2008
I remember the first time I was called, "Dear," by a lady - a stranger. I knew then that I had arrived in the land of old people. I love the condescendations sometimes afforded me. I was checking out at a Safeway counter one after noon, and I had with me a staff I was carving. The checkout lady said, "Did someone carve that for you, Honey? Hah! Sweet!
The first time I got on a bus and didn't show my senior card and was admitted, was a milestone.
I have wanted to be an old man as far back as I can remember. I think it was because of my affection for my grandfather and his cronies at the pool hall. They always seemed to enjoy things more than young people did. They were always laughing and talking - joking with each other.
Seniors get a lot of bennies. We get a lot of allowances for misbehaviors. The older we get, the more things we can get away with.
I just last night saw a trailer for a new movie starring Brad Pitt wher he begins life as an old man and gets younger. I can just imagine what that might be like. First people treat you real good and a the years go by they start yelling at you, watching you suspiciously, and accusing you arbitrarily.